"Hello, my name is Merle Namoki . I'm of the Sun's Forehead Clan from the village of Shungopavi on Second Mesa, AZ. I'm a Silversmith by trade and I make Hopi Overlay Jewelry to support my family, to help put food on the table, clothing on my kids' backs & put a roof over their heads & of course, pay bills. This was taught to the WWII Veterans that took the class at the Hopi Co-op Guild on Second Mesa. This was envisioned by our Elders & Veterans, with the help of Dr. Harold S. Colton & Mary Russell Ferrell Colton & by the Museum of Northern AZ. This technique called Hopi Overlay, which we call our own, was passed down from generation to generation. I was happy & lucky that I took the class & received my Certificate back in 1989 & am still active today.
Hopi Tutsqua (Land) is our love and will always be. It's the land upon which our leader fixes and tells the dates for our religious life. Our land, our religion and our life are one, and our leader with humbleness, understanding and determination, performs his duty to us by keeping them as one and thus insuring prosperity and security for the people. From the land, each true Hopi gathers, the authority of his rightful obligation. Our footprints mark well the trails to those sacred places where each year we go in performance of our duties.
Kwa-Kwah! Thank you!"
Merle uses his clan symbol, the Sun's Forehead as his hallmark. Merle lives in the Second Mesa village of Shungopavi with his wife, Kayla James and daughters, Kalaila and Georgia.
He has also travelled to Japan to present at the Hopi and Zuni Artist Show to help educate an International audience to the "fake and imitation going on in the world." Merle's message: "The people, & shops that sell fake and imitation do not have the quality of Arts and Crafts that you would get from the Artist him or herself."